Sunday, March 13, 2011

St. Patty's Day CountDown!

Here's a simple St. Patty's Day Countdown I made for our Girls. This has been really fun for all of us.
I used a Bulletin Board, Plain white envelopes paper clovers, push pins and a black sharpie. Inside of each envelopes is written on a small peice of paper and activity that we get to do! celebrating all of the small holidays can get expensive, so i tried to keep the projects simple and inexpensive.
Here are the activities that I came up with:
  • Paint fingernails/Toe nails Green
  • Go to the Library to get st. Patricks day books and Movies
  • Play with green Playdough
  • Pot of Gold Project
  • Rainbow Project with fruit loops
  • Write a Lucky letter to someone
  • Iam Lucky to have.......Project
  • Make sugar cookies with Green frosting
  • Learn a Magic Trick!
  • Make a St. Patricks day gift for Teachers
  • Go to the bookmobile on St. Pattys Day and take Mrs. Ginny a St. Pattys Day suprise
  • Make a Leprachaun trap
  • Learn about the Shamrock Plant
  • Make an Origami
  • Make a BubbleGum Necklace
  • Color a St. Pattys Day picture!
  • Wear something with green on it! Eat a fun Breakfast and Dinner!

    Here is the Rainbow Project with Fruit Loops
  • I drew the rainbow with diferent colors of markers, so my 2 yr. old would be able to follow the pattern, but my 6 yr. old loved it as well.
  • I also took a muffin pan and seperated the cereal into different colors. then they could work off both sides of the pan.
we just used Elmers washable school glue and the cereal dried nice!
Play dough project.
I found these cut little playdough sets for only $1. They came with spoons, pretend cones, cups and playdough. I put down that we played with GREEN Playdough, but we actually used all of the colors in the end!
  • Bugs even wanted to lick her little ice cream creation.
  • I thought doodles looked Super Yummy!
We are Lucky to have........Project.
  • We thought of all the things that we are LUCKY to have and wrote them down and hung them on the Refrigerator.
  • Lucky Letter to someone!
  • Doodles and Bugs Decided who they wanted to write a letter to. They both chose one of their closest friends!
  • Make an Oragami
  • Here's the Origami project.
  • I found a couple awesome Origami books for only 50 CENTS.
  • This project was way fun, I hope to learn to make!

1 comment:

  1. Very Cute ideas Roxanna! I think E would love making the rainbow.....time to buy some of those fruit loopy things :)
