Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fall Decor

Here's "The Shelf" decorated for Fall/ Halloween!

 So glad I finally had time to get it up! I ABSOLUTLY LOVE FALL and all the colors and the feeling that comes with it! I love the changing of the leaves and the sound of them crunching when walking on them, the pumpkins, all the desert weeds changing to fall colors( Yes, I will admitt even the desert can be pretty in the fall) Trick or treating, Apple pie and just the thought that its kidof the begining of the Holiday season!

Here's what it looks like from the front veiw, with a few ADDITONS( toys) from my cute little decoraters the "Doodlebugs" The shelf below gets things moved every so often because they like to look, re-aragnge and play :)

I decided to put some fake apples in a canning jar and this was fun new look!
I cut these off of a garland I bought at the D.I. a few years back.

My cute fall owl from Little Pokadot

Just wanted to show how to decorate with textures of adding fabric with shinny things!

My fun new sign I made at Super saturday, AND I know it has nothing to do with fall, but the Ribbon is fall colors, SO I mixed it in!

I made these "EEK" letters a month ago or so. I modge Podged Fabric on the letters and then used scraps of fabric and tied them around and knotted them! It was a fun, new simple project!

Here's My new Halloween Wreath!

Once again I hit up the $1 Store and found some fun things! I bought 2 black Boa's, these awesome Traintulas, a fun Halloween sign and A devil spear thingy! All I did was glue the Boa on a wreath form I already had THEN I wired the spiders on, used ribbon to attatch the Sign and wired on the devil spear. Then I hung it with some Orange ribbon!

Here's a close up of those awesome Spiders!

So, ever since we got our Flat screen 10 months ago I have had a hard time deciding what to do on the wall behind it. I have been debating on ordering one of those awesome vinyl lettering things that would cover up lots of space, BUT havent done it, AND I dont know how the landlord would feel about that, HE just wouldnt understand that it Just peels right off! SO, this is what I did for fall, I dont think it turned out too bad, and it Kindof gives me an idea of what to do for Christmas Decor!

SO, for anyone out there who has a Flat Screen attatched to the wall  What have you done around or behind it???????????????????