Monday, August 23, 2010

Back 2 School Gifts and Breakfast!

Last night after the girls went to bed I hurried and whipped up some of these washer necklaces for them. I thought it would be fun to give Doodle a gift on the morning of her first day of Kindergarten! I also made the same thing for Bug!  

I hot glued a small spot of ribbon on the washer and then I was on my way to wrapping and wrapping the ribbon around the whole thing. Then I hot glued the end on!

This is how they turned out.

I also made 2 of these felt hearts.
The purposeof  this was so that Macy could keep it in her Backpack or in her pocket while she is a school and it helps her remeber that mom is with her!
I found cute Crayon Fabric at walmart a few weeks ago and used it for a table cloth! I put the heart and the necklaces in little celaphanne bags and then layed them on top of a new book. My girls LOVE books. I love them especially when I find them brand new at the thrift store for a wopping 10 CENTS!

So, Bugs was the first one to notice the table this morning. When I was getting Breakfast ready she came running in the Kitchen saying " ohhhhhhh table" she was way excited! Then she went and got Doodle and she was super exciteed also.

We had the girls Fav. Breakfast. Eggs with toast to dip in the Yokes and also Applesauce!
Then we were off to take this Doodle to her first day of Kindergtarten!
Its been a fun morning. BUT now Doodle is home. She is mad that there is no Snack time in Kindergarten and there are no cubbies to put her things in. But now she has had Lunch and is relaxing in front of the Magic school bus show and Life goes on! Oh and Sister is glad she is home cause now she has someone to play with!

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