Sunday, October 17, 2010


MaKing a LiSt if fun to do, to do, to do, to do!!!

Is DoIng a LiSt fun To tO Do, to do, to do ,to do???????????
WHY YES! Here is why and How:

Every Sunday night I sit down after my kids have went to bed and make a TO DO LIST for the week! I look at the calender and see what is going to be going on and add them to the list also!
I make a two colum page for the week and I NEVER make it 2 pages or else it doesnt get done!

Here's how to make that TO DO LIST more F-U-N:

~Type it on the computer so it is more read-able
~Type in a cute font so it will be fun to read during the week
~Cross of the things that you have accomplished with a colored pen or marker
~Make it a GAME see how much you can get done on your list in a week!

I Hang My list on the side of my Fridge So it is visible and I see it when I walk into my Kitchen!
SO, Now I DARE YOU , go make your list for the week and I would LOVE to hear your responses of How it goes for you! What a GREAT WAY to start off the week! cant wait to read your comments ;)

1 comment:

  1. I'll give it a whirl. Can I include things like showering? Eating breakfast? Breathing? ;-)
    Love the idea.
