Thursday, October 14, 2010

CRUNCHY French Toast!

Want some yummy CRUNCHY French Toast???
Its Super YUMMY and Filling!

Here's what you need:
~All the ingredients you prefer to make the egg dip for french toast( I like to add cinnnamon, in the fall I also add a little nutmeg :) I also add vanilla, eggs and Milk, hmmm not sure if thats the proper way to make it, but its always worked for me, now that I think about it I have never followed a recipe for what to put in it! )

~A seperate bowl with crushed cereal of your choice

~Bread ( my choice is the 45 cal. whole wheat bread)

~A frying Pan

I would love to say I came up with this yummy idea, but really I saw it on the
Food network a few years back!
After dipping the bread in the egg then dip it on both sides in the cereal and
 make sure BOTH sides get covered well!

 Cook until well done!

Then My family enjoys it with Sugar Freee syrup!!


  1. I've never had crunchy french toast, but since I love the soft kind I'm sure I'd love this too! YUM!

  2. That looks delicious! French toast is my favorite anyway...I have to try this. Thanks!

  3. Okay now I'll admit when I saw CRUNCHY French Toast, it did make me pause a second. But now that I see it was cereal that made it crunchy I am totally on board. We love French toast around here and need to try this variation:) Sounds yummy, so happy to see you at A Crafty Soiree! Thanks for sharing and looking forward to seeing you next time too:)
