Monday, August 16, 2010

Recipe Card Holder

A Simple Recipe Card Holder that I made!
Items needed: 2x2 block or your, Hand saw, Modge Podge, Cute paper and Riibon,Sand Paper and a Paint Brush!

I took the 2x2 block and sawed and thin line on the top just wide enough for a recipe card to fir into. I sawed it at an angle so when I went to put the card in there it would sit at and angle so I can read it better! Then I modge Podged the scrapbooking paper on. For the top I went through the line again after I added the paper so that the paper would not dry over it!  I also went along all the edges and used sandpaper the distress the edges!

Added a cute rub on embellishment and some ribbon!
A nice little card holder that doesnt take up much space!

I came up with this for a craft to do at Releif soc. the other night. We made them after we sampled many delicious recipes that the sisters brought! It was fun to see how everyone decorated them!

I also think I am going to be WHIPPING some more of these up REAL SOON to use as PHOTO HOLDERS!

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