Monday, August 9, 2010

FOIL Dinners on the GRILL

I dont know if I have mentined before, but Iam Not a big fan of cooking( and I hate grocery shopping, because that requires me having to think about what to cook!). I dont like making something that is very time consuming.

 I do like something that is fast to throw together and then let it cook though!

We made some Foil dinners that turned out really YUMMY!

I used: a frozen vegtable mix, frozen green beans and another frozen mix with chopped potatoes, onions and green peppers. for the meat we used Turkey Hamburgers. When I had it all arrangend  I put a slice of butter on the top and then sprinkled the whole thing with salt and pepper! Wrapped it up just like a burrito in 2 layers of foil and then My hubby put them on the Grill for about 20 min. or until they were cooked all the way! MMmmmmm............they we so delish!

For the Kids- I used the frozen potato, onion and pepper mix and then cracked and egg. I had to form the tinfoil a little so that when I cracked the egg it wouldnt run out. The bottom picture will show how I formed the tin foil and I also put a second layer around.
They also went on the grill. The egg did not turn out to be runny like i wanted it to, but it turned out good. Doodle and Bug werent big fans of the onions and peppers, but they liked the egg and Potato's, and with a little ketchup on top it was even better!


  1. I love tin foil dinners! We'll try it on the grill soon.

  2. Never thought of doing foil dinners on the grill...great idea! Joni
