Sunday, April 1, 2012

Tricky Easter Bunny!

Last year the Easter Bunny was Super Duper creative! When we came back from town we found out he had ate the carrotts we left on a plate for him and our Easter Baskets were MIA!
Our blinds to the back porch were open and we noticed something on the cement.

We went out and Found this Note:
In order to find their suprise the girls had to do a few things.

 First: use the plastice egg and hopscotch
 Second:Gather all the eggs up on the lawn that started with the first letter in their name.( this way they both got the same amount of eggs!)
Third: They had to go down their Green Slide 2 times
 Fourth: They needed to check on their Pea Plants in the Garden
 And Lastly: They had to go where they like to play house OR hide and go seek!

AND they FOUND their Baskets. They were SUPER EXCITED and had fun opening them. I loved that the Bunny left such a little activity for them. It made the SUPRISE last longer!

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