Monday, August 29, 2011

Simple ID Tags

 Here are some SIMPLE ID Tags that I made for Doodle and Bugs.They were so easy to make. All  I did was  use my Microsoft word program on  my computer , I inserted their name, class a picture of them, Home phone number and then at the bottom I put " Please return to owner if found, Thank you!"

Then I cut them to fit perfectly in the Scott self sealing Laminating pouches
I put them in their Dance Bags, School Bags and Used clear Box tape and taped them onto the Back of Doodles Lunch Box.
Here is a pic. of the one on Doodles lunch Box, SORRY its blurry for a purpsose ( security reasons) gotta keep the little ones safe :) But just wanted to show how it looks!

1 comment:

  1. This would help with home organization for sure. Looks easy enough too!

    I am a new follower from the Show and Tell Linking Party at Blue Cricket Design. If you have a chance come by and say hi.
