Saturday, April 30, 2011

Barbie Underwear!

The rule in our house is NO NAKED BARBIES , UNLESS: they are taking a bath in the bathtub. I havent done this to my girls Barbies yet, BUT just wanted to share what a friend has done with her kids Barbies. All it took was a little time and a Bottle of Finger Nail Polish!


  1. What a good idea! And, fingernail polish, perfect. Are you planning to do your girls barbies?

  2. This is so funny. What a great idea.

  3. I put strapless permanent swimsuits on all my daughter's barbies with a sharpie. They come in so many fun colors now, but I had never thought of nail polish. I will have to give it a try.

  4. This is absolutely hysterical!! I'm going to have to remember that. ;) Found you on the craft catwalk. Thanks for sharing!
