Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Homemade Heart Felt gifts!

 My oldest daughter has a blanket that was made for her before she was born that is similar to the one above, just different fabric. Well, Little sister has fallen in love with it and loves the edges. So, Mama made Bugs one for her Birthday , so Big. sis. wouldnt get mad that her blanket was getting stolen. I had lots of fun making it. We have all seen these blankets that have been around for at least about 8 years. Everyone probably has one, BUT they are so warm, soft and Cuddly. So, Bugs was one Happy girls when she opened this present on her Bday and it also came with a mini one for her Baby dolls!
 Here is one more gift that I made for both girls for their Bdays. Just a side note, this mama would love to scrap book, but doesnt have the time nor the patience or space to do it. I have loads of cute scrapbooking paper and supplies that are shoved back in the closet and dont get to come out very often. Its time that I just get all those digital snap shots printed out and put into an album for these girls to enjoy!

 They absolutly love looking at these pictures and I have found them several times lately sitting on the couch or in their rooms on their beds looking at these books. I didnt think that they would care much for them right now, BUT I was WRONG!

1 comment:

  1. What a cute blanket and I love that you made a matching one for her baby doll. I'm sure she's thrilled! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.
