Saturday, December 4, 2010

Preserving "The Reason for the Season"

 "The Reason for the Season"

Yesterday I bought this glass Jar at the thrift store. I knew I could do something cute with it. I got out one of my Fav. Nativities and it fits perfectly inside! So here is what I did:

Took some brown craft paper and crinkled/wadded it up for a textured look. I placed a small plastic container underneath to bring the height up a little, so the nativity wouldnt be sitting so low. I placed the paper on the top and then gently placed the nativity peices inside! Doodle got to sprinkle some glittery snow and it just added some sparkle! I placed the lid on and tied some ribbon on the Jar, Then added green pine garland and berries around the base.
I LOVE how it turned out!

I sure hope you all are
 Preserving "The Reason for the Season"


  1. I LOVE how it turned out,too. I collect nativities and don't have one in a jar. Bet I will before the week is out. :-) It is a good way to "preserve" the Reason!

  2. Sure glad you haven't forgotten those T&C creative juices!!

  3. I'm a new Tuesday Follower! That is the CUTEST jar!! To find some great deals and Freebies Visit me at and sign up for my newest giveaways!

  4. GENIUS! BRILLIANT! You are so smart! That is just precious!!!!
