Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Traveling for ThanksGiving??

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and you know what that means … get out the fat pants! No, I mean ROADTRIP! It is that time of year when we all pile in the car with our suitcases, non-perishable Thanksgiving dinner contributions, and the dog and head out to Grandma’s House for Thanksgiving dinner. Since we’ve made the Thanksgiving Roadtrip to Iowa every year for 10 years, I thought I would pass along a few tips that my family relies on to make the trip go a little easier.
Roadtrip Car Essentials:

Snacks - No messy or crumbly snacks. Unless you want to start an all-you-can-eat snack bar under the back seats. Little, individual size snack bags work perfect. Grapes are good, easy to eat and no peel to worry about. No juice boxes. Put drinks in drip-proof sippy cups or sports bottles so they don’t leak or get squirted everywhere. Tip: If you end up eating breakfast in the car as you head out, make sure you don’t order anything with biscuits. They crumble everywhere! I’m talking to you Sausage, Egg & Cheese Biscuit.

Water Bottles – Always have a bottle of water in the car. Even if you don’t drink it, it’s nice to be able to rinse off your hands or that binky that fell in the back seat and is now wearing a dog hair fur coat.

Garbage Bag – Always have a bag in the car to throw out trash. Trust us, you don’t want to hold a snotty Kleenex or ketchup covered wrapper or banana peel for 4 hours. (Been there. Done that. Not fun.)
Pillows, Snuggle Buddies, or Neck Wraps – If the stars are aligned and Holiday fortune is smiling on you, your young kids will fall asleep for awhile. (When they are older, they put their iPod headphones on and they may as well be asleep.) While most kids are resilient and flexible, they shouldn’t have to kiss their navel while they are napping. Give them some support.

Antibacterial Wipes/Hand Sanitizer – You have kids. Need I say more?

Boredom Bag – You’ll need plenty of entertainment to keep the kids (and adults) amused during the long car trip. In my next post, I’ll share some ideas on how to fill that Boredom Bag for younger and older kids.
What items do you take on your Holiday Road Trips that you can’t live without?
All info From: http://www.chocolatecakemoments.com/?paged=2

I always love it when I find things about traveling. It gets new ideas rolling in my head of what Iam going to do to entertain the girls! We have a 8-9 hour trip to Grandma and Grandpas for ThanksGiving. I know Doodle at 5 1/2 years still has a hard time not getting bored and Bug at 22 months hates to be traped in the car seat for a long time, SO I always need to help figuring out what to entertain them with!

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