Monday, September 13, 2010

GrandParents DAY!

Today is National GrandParents day!

 I began celebrating this day when we moved away from all of our family! I wanted my kids to send their GrandParents something special to make them feel appreciatted and loved on GrandParents day! Here's what we sent to them this year:

I had 2 pic. printed at 1 hour. The I modge Podged them onto Popsicle sticks! After they dried I cut them with an exacto knife. Now they are a fun little puzzle for them to put together with a mesage on the back telling them how much the girls love them! 

Along with this project I sent them 2 notebooks with a 2 pens and 13 evenvelopes. you may be wondering what this is all about. Well, I would have had a pic to show this fun project, but I just accidently erased it from my camera, Yikes! Anyway, I found a  website

with the questions , but the link will not work, SO is any of you would like the questioneer leave your e-mail address for me and I would love to send them to you!  

For Famiy History Questionares. I have been wanting to ask our parents to fill questions out about their life for sometime now, So I decided it was time. I tweeked some of the questions and grouped them into different categories and then put them in envelopes. They get to open one envelope at a time and write the questions and the answers down in the notebook. As soon as they are done with al 13 envelopes Iam going to get the notebooks back from them and then type it all up and give to all the siblings so we can all enjoy it!

I SURE wish I had a pic to share with you! It was a simple, fun inexpensive Gift for our Special Grandparents!

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