Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Go check this site out, ITS AMAZING! I just SIGHNED UP and Iam already LOVING IT! Tommarow Iam doing my Grocery shopping with the list that I printed and it all adds up to $89.00 SA-WEET!!!!!!
why e-mealz?...
E-Mealz has been created to provide a kid-friendly and family-uniting meal planning resource for busy Moms and frugal family cooks. Each meal plan is based on the current sales at the grocery stores, with plan options categorized according to store and/or weight management strategy. The recipes are delicious, simple and easy to follow. Each plan is new every week and has a corresponding aisle-by-aisle grocery list. Almost every week includes a crock-pot recipe and easy dinner ideas. There are meal plans for two people, for a low fat diet, a low carb diet, and for those who are following a point system, as well!
E-Mealz is the brainchild of Jane DeLaney. She has four children and a husband who are all picky eaters. But she is most famous in her circles for being a cheapskate. She knows how to maximize her grocery budget and beat the system. She has been known to leave the grocery store with a cart full of groceries, and the store will have given her money! (See Jane's Saving Secrets to learn how she combines the power of budget meal planning and using coupons!) She knows that debt-proof living is impossible without a budget, and the grocery budget is the hardest to manage. Jane is often heard saying, "You can't win without a plan, and poor meal planning is a MONEY PIT!" E-Mealz is a comprehensive and workable plan that accomplishes every goal you may have for yourself and your family when it comes to dinnertime.
Goal #1
Spending time with your family
Goal #2
Save time and money
Goal #3
Serve delicious food
Goal #4
Save yourself from multiple and last minute trips to the grocery store
Goal #5
Stare at your children across from the dinner table rather than into the
pantry looking for a dinner idea
Goal #6
Lose weight without preparing separate meals for the family. (Every meal plan is designed to be family friendly, even the weight management plans! See sample)
These are Simple and Easy Meals That Solve Your Dinner Dilemma!
Each week's plan represents many hours of planning, pricing and recipes testing all for only $1.25! Needless to say, you will recoup that amount of money many times over with E-Mealz. Groceries will never bust your budget again!
-Mealz is designed to “set you free” to enjoy your family around the dinner table with delicious home-cooked meals at night, to save money week after week at the grocery store and to take the guesswork out of meal planning. Food is a huge part of Life, and well-managed homes and budgets make for more Happiness! So the Liberty E-Mealz offers you is priceless!
I think I may end up LOVING TO GO GROCERY SHOPPING and to COOK! Hmmm...........Just maybe we will wait and see, I will let ya know how it goes!
I'm glad you wrote this post. I've been listening to Dave Ramsey lately, and I've been thinking about joining e-mealz. I think I'll give it a try.