Saturday, July 17, 2010

Finally Back

Iam finally back on the blogging train! Its been a couple weeks since I last posted. I have been busy getting some quality time in with my Family. We enjoyed the 4th of july and then the day after we left for our trip to Navuoo, Illinois. It was a great trip, but also good to get back home!

So for the 4th of July I totally scored on some cute outfits for my girls!
I bought them at 2 thrift stores here in town and they were practically brand new! 

2 Dresses, 1 red shirt, 2 headbands= $5
Arent they cute? :)

1 comment:

  1. Nice to meet you on Just Something I Whipped Up. Such fun food ideas. I especially loved the picture of the watermelon. We are so into the little ones from Costco as the big ones always went to waste and my little ones would love using it as a bowl. You sure scored on those adorable outfits and put them on those two cuties, - fab!
