Thursday, July 29, 2010

1 hour Projects

Here's a few Projects I completed in Just I HOUR!

I bought this cute mirror at the thrift store for $1 coudnt decide weather I wanted to put it in my girls bedroom, or use for a place to hang my necklaces, So
 I didnt do either here's what I did:  
I took the hooks off and Modge podged cute scrapbook paper, added some ribbon on the sides and a few silk flowers! It looks pretty darn cute in our bedroom!
Peged Coat hanger into a Jewlery Hanger
I also bought this peged shelf at the thrift store for 50 cents or a dollar cant remember. Its one of those things that was in the closet waiting to be done!  

I pulled out all the pegs and Modged Podged cute scrapbooking paper. If you noticed in the picture below the paper does not match up( BUT DONT WORRY )  I was gettign low on the scraps, had just enough to finish this project WHEW!!!!!!!
Here's the finished project! I tied black ribbon around where the peices didnt match up and hot glued it on the back and also hot glued silk flowers on!
Mutch better to have all those necklaces hanging and Organized! And now my little Doodle Bugs cant play with them in my Jewlery box he he :)

And I wont forget to mention this " R" for my First and Last name.
That reminds me of when we got married I told everyone I was getting a little " R AND R ", but that was soon over after the Honeymoon :)

 I picked this letter up at a garage sale back in the spring for 25 cents. It was still in the plastic. Its actually one of those plastic letter you can use on your mailbox, house etc. But I modged podged it and it worked. Added some ribbon and it looks mighty fine up there on my shelf!

1 comment:

  1. easy + 10min-ish + something really fun as a result. you did great with this bedroom decor project. we love this formula.

    i'm inviting you to link it up at our site so our readers can find this and your other wonderful ideas:

    (new party every wednesday, findable at our home page)

    we look forward to featuring your work!

