Saturday, June 12, 2010

Teacher Gifts

I was asked by a couple friends to make some teacher Thank-you's for the end of the school year. I was given like 2 days noticed, so I rushed to the local dollar store with a few ideas in mind.
I found a canvas that was about 1/2 inch. thick and thought I would figure out something cute!

Here's some of the things I used to make the project:
 Glue gun, Modge Podge-We all know this stuff ROCKS! Small beads, Exacto Knife and Scrapbooking flowers, paper and cute ribbon! 
Here's the flowers that I made and I glued a bead on the center
Here's the finished Project!
I really like how it turned out!
 My daughter Has Ms. B next year for Kindergarden so
maybe we will see this hanging up in her room!

Edible Arrangment!

I also made 2 of these babies. They were super easy. I took an empty formula can and modge podged some paper on the outside, added some ribbon and cute scrapbooking stickers I found at the $1 store. Man what would I do without that store :) I used floral foam inside and then added paint brushes, crayons and colored pencils sticking out. I bought these cute little cinnamon rolls for a 6 pk. for $0.75 at the walmart and put them on posicle sticks because when I got home I realized I was out of scewers. I wrapped celepane around the rolls and tied it with a ribbon.
Here's some that I made last year for teachers:


  1. If you can pull this off in two days, I would luv to see what you can do with more time! Luv the gifts:)


  2. I've been a teacher for 30 years (I know; probably longer than many of you have been alive!) :-) I can tell you that these kinds of thoughtful and cute gifts are really appreciated and are pretty rare, actually. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of what you made!

  3. Love em both!! Great ideas!

    P.S. I'm your newest follower. :)
