Saturday, June 5, 2010

PlAy DoUgh FuN!

Rolling the Tractor tires in the Dough to see what it will look like!
Doodle wanted to play with Play Dough the other day, so we got it out when Bugs was taking a nap ( since she tries to eat it right now) I gathered up a few things from the toy baskets that we could use, Just for something different than the usual cookie cutters and play dough toys.

She had fun making a path in the Play Dough with Sponge Bobs feet!

Circles With the Horses feet!
Rolling the plastic Golf ball around to see the Designs it made!
We also used the little play Dough knifes to make a Math game and she counted the shapes and peices I cut!
Doodle had lots of fun, its Amazing at how fun such simple activities are!


  1. I always use wax paper under the play dough when my kids play with it, It makes an easier clean up.

  2. My kids love play do!
    Loved your button magnets...SUPER CUTE!
    Following your cute blog. I am a Mom too. Come follow me back and say hi:)
    Happy Sunday!
    Gros bisous

  3. My littel loves playdough. Great ideas for hours of fun! TFS! Thanks so much for linking to the Sunday Showcase party! I greatly appreciate it! Hope you have a fabulous week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  4. Play dough is such wonderful stuff -- a great way to encourage creativity! Cute post!

