Sunday, May 30, 2010

Button Magnets!

Here's a fun simple Idea!
I found these cute buttons at walmart and also bought the magnetic strips there!
Just cut the magnet strip into the right size to fit on back of the button.

And here are the VERY CUTE MAGNETS on my fridge!
 :( I really wanted to keep them, they are cute!  
Now to make them even cuter ( is that a word????) you could out some cute ribbon in the holes and tie it, but i didnt want take the time!


I put more magnet strips on a peice of cardstock, so I could display them as a gift! I had Doodles help putting them on so they were a little crooked!

Here's how they looked on the Cardstock!

AND for the PACKAGING, cause its all IN THE PACKAGING,
getting pretty packages and also making pretty packages to give to others!
slide it in a celaphane bag and wrap a tule bow around it and you have this:


  1. I just made similar button magnets with my kiddos for their job checklists. Ours are functional, yours are much prettier!

  2. Those are super cute, would make a great teacher gift too, or even a teen for their locker at school!

  3. So cute! Such a shame we dont have walmart in the UK, buttons are always hard to find... I can imagine that you want to keep these for yourself, well done!

  4. These turned out really CUTE! Great packaging also!!

  5. who knew walmart had such cute buttons! love this idea! thanks for sharing:)

  6. Very cute gift idea! Thank you for sharing this with us!

  7. How totally adorable!!!

  8. Wow! How easy & fun. I'm going to do it. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Warmly, Michelle

  9. I really like the button magnets idea. Now I know what I can do with all those old large recycled buttons that I don't want to sew on clothes, you could also recycle magnets from the free calendars you get from politicians. This is a great educational toy for young children. Happy Transformation Thursday <3

  10. I Love your idea!!!
    and also your blog is great! I am a follower now.
    Have a happy day
